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Ambassador Mridul Kumar participated in a round table discussion at “Swiss Biotech Day” event in Basel on 23 April 2024

Posted on: April 23, 2024 | Back | Print

Ambassador Mridul Kumar participated in a round table discussion on "Opportunities created by TEPA signed between India and EFTA in the Biotech Sector” at “Swiss Biotech Day” event in Basel.  Several Indian companies also participated in the event to explore collaborations with Switzerland and global biotech industry leaders. Ambassador Kumar had useful interaction with Indian participants.

During the round table discussions, Ambassador Kumar highlighted the significance of India-EFTA Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) as well as prospects of enhancing trade & investment linkages through stable, trustworthy business environment. TEPA has been acknowledged as a clear win-win proposition for Biotech Sector achieved by safeguarding Indian and Swiss interests, ensuring Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection and availability of affordable medicines.

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