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IDY – 2023 celebrations at Locarno on 27 May, 2023

Posted on: May 27, 2023 | Back | Print

As part of the 9th International Day of Yoga celebrations (IDY), a Yoga session was organized by the Embassy of India, Berne at Locarno on 27 May, 2023. Her Excellency Mrs. Nancy Lunghi, Head of the Ministry for Social Services, Youth & Culture, Municipality of Locarno and Cd’A interacted and discussed the benefits of Yoga with the participants.
International Yoga Day strives to enhance global awareness of the numerous advantages of yoga practise. Yoga can be an important tool in humanities collective desire to promote a sustainable lifestyle that is in harmony with the planet. Yoga, when applied to communities and societies, provides a way to more sustainable life.
The participants were taught the Ministry of AYUSH's Common Yoga Day Protocol practices, which are extensive and comprise Prayer, Sukshma Vyayama, Yogasanas (Standing, Sitting, Prone, and Supine postures), Pranayama, Sankalpa, and Shanti Patha.

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